Our Objective
(i) For Research Centre in Theological Lines – Bachelor of Ministry ( B. Min)
Master of Divinity ( M.Div) Doctor of Ministry (D. Min )
and for other theological courses.
(ii) For Computer Learning Centres to give job to many jobless youngsters in Manipur and North East India ( From Basic to Master Level ).
(iii) To
(a) introduce Master Level upto Doctorate Courses in all fields of subjects.
(b) give educational opportunity to the most needy and the poorest of the poor people
with mercy.
(c) give special emphasis on MBA ( Master of Business Administration) courses and
MCA (Master of Computer Application) for job opportunity to poorest of the poor youngsters.
To accomplish the vision, Hengkapkot University – a Christian Minority Institution will be committed to transform lives through the following objectives:
(a) To raise undergraduate and post graduate students and research scholars to serve humanity by attaining high levels of academic excellence, professional competence, exemplary values and spiritual empowerment.
(b) To find solutions to human problems in areas relating to Water, Food, Health Care and Energy through scientific, social and technological research as well as policy formulation.
(c) To set up care homes for physically and mentally challenged as well as the elderly and the terminally ill to enable the students to understand the human needs and pain, by participating in the services rendered to them on campus and thus to dedicate themselves to work towards solving those problems through research, development, policy making at high levels or through providing spiritual care.
(iv) To
(a) to help the poorest of the poor with formation of Self Help Group.
(b) to give loan with the lowest interest to the poor and needy.
(c) to give employment to the youth and old people who had no job opportunities.
(v) to conduct peaceful co-existence, harmony seminary and conference.
(vi) to give and provide food to the needy poor people..
(vii) to give clothing to the poor and needy people.
(viii) to give proper education to the poor and needy people in Manipur and North East
(ix) to establish and run schools and college for the poor and needy with quality
education with the lowest minimum fees.
(x) to give couselling to the poor and needy in a professional way to uplift their lives
in day to day life
(xi) To –
(a) establish and run educational institutions such as short courses training centres, schools, colleges, universities, Hospitals, Clinics, etc. for the upliftment of
rural as well as Urban(Slum Area) who are poor and under privileged.
(b) establish and run Bible schools, Theological colleges and Leadership training centres to trains Pastors and Lay Leaders.
(c) establishment and running of institutions for vocational education and training in rural areas.
(d) establish and construct hostel accomodation for women or handicapped individuals or individuals who are of the age of 70(seventy) years or more.
(xii) To –
(a) do child and women welfare development in rural poor and remote places.
(b) act for the welfare of the children, backward classes and disable persons, orphans and destitutes irrespective of the caste in creed.
(c) create better infrastructure centres for the development of specially towards child and women in the community by organising tailoring centres, sewing schools, classes, weaving centres, creches, production of various crafts, etc.
(d) establish and run Counselling and Career Guidance Centre for Adolescents.
(xiii) To –
(a) take up relief works on all sorts of natural calamities such as flood, drought, fire, ethnic clash and riots victims, wars, famines, earthquakes, etc.
(b) construct of dwelling units for the economically weaker sections.
(c) run Refugee Camp and low housing construction for war and ethnic clash victims.
(d) run Mobile Hospitals, Blood Bank and Ambulance services.
(e) establish a cell specially to engage in socially productive useful and creative activities in the areas of health and sanitation in the rural communities.
(f) prevent, control and treatment of Tuberculosis and Malaria in rural areas.
(xiv) To eliminate poverty through the introduction of new techniques and skills,
methodolgies in rural agricultural and animal husbandary development projects such as
horticulture, sericulture, terrace wet paddy field, cashcrop, coffee, rubber, jetropha,
tea, ginger, sugarcane, potato, mango, orange, banana plantation, etc. Animal Husbandary
includes such as chicken farming, cattle rearing, piggery, goatry, fishery, duckery, etc.
(xv) To
(a) Collect & snap photos from Holy Lands (Israel, Egypt, Lourdes, Fatima, Antioch, Mt. Nebo, Thessalonica, Tarsus, Damascus, Patmos Island, Corinth, Cities, Rome, Arrarat, etc). for educating the ignorant, illiterates, literates, all communities through visual illustrations and proven records about the life history of Jesus Christ, His disciples, His miracles throughout His reign on the earth.
(b) establish and run Research centre and Church History Library.
(c) open and construct Churches and Museum branches all over the district in India states, Asia, Africa, Australia, North America & South America and in European
Countries and uttermost part of the earth (Acts 1:8). To spread the knowledge of the
saving Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. So that whoever believes Jesus will go to heaven and escape the burning hell forever.
(d) run and established Prayer Mountain and Prayer Tower
(xvi) To –
(a) do church planting ministry to the unreached areas.
(b) take up the work of construction and repair of churches.
(c) construct ringwell, pitwell, village roads, culverts, bridges, latrines, small dams,
sheds, etc in rural areas for better development among the poor and down-
trodden community.
(d) to run and construct schools and community halls for the poor villagers
(weaker sections) in the hill areas where there is no schools till date.
(e) construct godown, cold storage, packing centre, ripening curing chamber, auction platform, hotels and tourist lodge.
(f) construction and maintenance of drinking water projects in rural areas and in
urban slums including installation of pump-sets, digging of wells, tube-wells and
laying of pipes for supply of drinking water.
(xvii) To –
(a) organise Gospel Concert, Prayer Meetings, Peace & Harmony campaign to protect
all social evils among different communities for peaceful co-existence .
(b) join hands with other organisation such as NGOs, Peace Making Commitee to
create stability in the society for better development and progress.
(c) establish and run Human Rights protection and activities.
(d) maintain discipline and politeness among the members and general public so as to promote friendship, brotherhood, peace and communal harmony among different communities.
(xviii) To –
(a) run Eco-Club for Environmental Awareness of the citizens so as to keep Villages, Towns, Cities green and clean, protection of Bio-Diversity of the Society,
planting of seedlings and plants and to help in the social foresty plans and
objectives of the forest department.
(b) run a Disaster Management Team which will be prepared to manage different
kinds of disaster of the society side by side.
(xix) To visit prisoners, patients at Hospitals, helpless widows, peddlers, prostitutes,
orphans, lepers, affected HIV/AIDS patients, drug addicts, affected people of
ethnic clashes, sex workers, astray young people, etc to provide their essential
needs, extend helping hands and share the love of Jesus Christ.
(xx) To organise Bible quiz, song competition, etc once in a year for better understanding of the Bible. They will be highly awarded to the position holders for better knowledge of the
(xxi) To-
(a) support evangelists and missionaries to spread the gospel to the unreached people and win their souls at any cost.
(b) help finance assistance to the children of pastors, evangelists and missionary in their children studies in rural poor area of Manipur.
(c) give special help to tribal poor pastors, evangelists, missionaries in their
problems : health, food and house construction in rural poor areas of Manipur.
(xxii) To –
(a) organise and promote Art and Culture of different communities for peace and harmony.
(b) organise cultural activities and construct cultural hall by preserving cultural heritage.
(c) promote and organise games & sports, martial arts, physical and mental develop- ment of the young people to enable them from astray in their impressionale
periods of their lives.
(xxiii) To promote handloom, handicrafts and Khadi & Village based industries.
(xxiv) To undertake pilot projects relating to computers and internets, science and technology and environment (biogas plan, smokeless, chullahs and others).
(xxv) To run, open and implement carpentry, craft centre, automobile (heavy and light vehicle), oil pump, brick field, photograph training, spray painting and dieting, welding and fitting training, T.V. Radio, Refrigerator, Washing Machine, Fax Machine, Repair Training,
Black Smith and Gold Smith.
(xxvi) To –
(a) run Adult and Child Education
(b) run Rural Industrialisation & Micro-Enterprises
(c) run Training & Development (HRD)
(d) run Youth Affairs
(e) run Population and Reproductive health
(f) collect and sale Production of Audios, Gospel Films, etc.
(g) run Community Development & Poverty alleviation
(xxvii) To –
(a) give scholarship to talented students who could not continue their further studies both in secular and theology due to poverty in rural areas of Manipur.
(b) give food and feed poor children, women and poor people in their hunger.
(c) give clothing to selected poor children and women in Christmas time every year in Manipur.
(d) distribute mosquito nets to the poorest of the poor for prevention of malaria in rural poor areas.
(xxviii) To –
(a) open and run Charity Home
(b) open and run Charity School